Extra-Curricular Website
Visit our dedicated Extra-Curricular website for in-depth information on the sports and activities Macleans College offers.
If students wish to sign up to a sport, please check the daily notices or see the Sports Department.

Macleans College students benefit from many opportunities to participate in a wide variety of academic, arts, cultural and sporting activities.
'Macleans offers such a wide range of activities, right from sports to music, drama, cultural groups, service and academic competitions. There really is something for everyone.'

The Importance of Extra-Curricular Activity
- At least one major sporting, cultural or service activity
- College activities, before participating in outside groups or clubs
- Auckland Secondary School or inter-house competitions
We consider that taking part in extra-curricular activities encourages:
- Loyalty and commitment
- Self confidence and comradeship
- Building of self esteem
- Recognition for excellence
We offer a wide range of sporting and cultural activities and many of our teams and individual students:
- Perform at a high level in regional and national championships
- Are selected to represent New Zealand
We regard this as being an integral part of a young person's personal development and a wide range of activities are offered.
- Art Exhibitions, Wearable Arts
- Dance Festival
- Debating, Speech Competitions
- Drama Productions, Stage Challenge, Theatresports
- Interact Club
- Intercultural Club
- Kapa Haka Group
- Barbershop, Chorale, Orchestra, Stage and Concert Bands, String and Chamber Groups, Jazz Groups
We are a culturally diverse school.

Staff Contacts
- SMT i/c Extra-Curricular: Mr Bevan Packer
- Sports Department: [email protected]
- Head of Performing Arts: Dr Steve Miles