Uniform Guidelines
The school is proud of its uniform and expects it to be worn correctly at all times. When students are in school uniform, school rules apply.
School and Physical Education Uniform Information
Sports Uniform Information
The three coloured hoop sports uniform is worn when students represent the school. Please check with your coach/manager for sports uniform requirements.
Knee-length and calf-length socks in Macleans College colours are worn when representing the school (see photos below).
All sports uniform can be purchased online or in-store from John Russell Menswear in Moore Street, Howick.
School Blazers
The current practice of lending blazers to students for school events and team functions has come to an end. The cost to the school, loss and damage, and time consumed issuing, collecting and reissuing blazers are the main reasons behind this move. We also plan to move to metal badges best worn on blazers.
Students who require a blazer for a premier group or team will have the following options:
- Rental at $90 per year (this a yearly flat fee, no bond refund).
- Purchase of a second hand blazer through the school uniform shop at $120.00.
- Purchase of a new blazer from John Russell Schoolwear at $255.00.
As with other uniform items a bigger second hand market will develop over time.
The school will have a very small stock of blazers for one-off events where the school expects a blazer to be worn. The school can assist families with a payment plan in cases of financial need.
Students not in a premier group or team do not require a blazer but are more than welcome to purchase one should they wish.
Purpose of a Uniform and Appearance Guideline
Macleans College sets out clear guidelines for student uniform and appearance. We believe neat appearance and a correctly worn uniform:
- fosters a sense of pride and belonging amongst students
- reinforces high expectations
- removes visible indicators of inequality
- improves safety through identification of students and visitors
- encourages students to express themselves through their work, accomplishments and contribution to the school community.
Within the uniform offering the school has provided enough choice to be inclusive of student preferences whilst reflecting the Macleans’ community expectations of tradition, order and professionalism.
Correct official uniform is required for:
- Attendance at school.
- Travelling to and from school.
- Attendance at school functions away from school (sports tournaments, cultural and social visits).
Incorrect uniform, or a mixture of school uniform, sports gear and civilian clothes, is not acceptable around the school or in the street.
After school, particularly after a sports practice, students may either change into correct uniform, or go home in sports gear.
Students not in the correct uniform are required to have a note from home explaining the reason for the discrepancy and the note is to be handed to the House Leader for approval no later than 9.00 am on the day concerned.
Junior Uniform - Years 9 and 10
Terms 1 and 4 (Junior Summer)
- Pale blue Macleans College short-sleeved or long-sleeved polycotton shirt.
- Navy Macleans College regulation shorts, long trousers or knee-length navy skirt.
- Brown or black sandals or black leather lace-up school shoes and Macleans College navy socks to be worn with shorts.
- Socks are worn up at all times. Garters may be used.
- Black leather lace-up school shoes with white socks, or brown or black sandals may be worn with the skirt.
- Black leather lace-up school shoes and navy or black socks may be worn with the trousers.
Terms 2 and 3 (Junior Winter)
- Uniform as for summer except that sandals may not be worn.
- Black leather lace-up shoes with white socks or navy or black tights are to be worn with the skirt.
Senior Uniform - Years 11, 12 and 13
Terms 1 and 4 (Summer)
- Navy and white striped Macleans College short-sleeved or long-sleeved shirt.
- Navy Macleans College regulation shorts or long trousers, or navy knee-length skirt or navy ankle-length pleated skirt.
- Brown or black sandals or black leather lace-up school shoes and Macleans College navy socks to be worn with shorts.
- Socks are worn up at all times. Garters may be used.
- Black leather lace-up school shoes and navy or black socks are to be worn with the trousers.
- Black leather lace-up school shoes with white socks, or brown or black sandals may be worn with the knee-length skirt.
- Black leather lace-up school shoes with navy socks or navy or black tights may be worn with the ankle-length pleated skirt.
Terms 2 and 3 (Winter)
- Uniform as for summer except that sandals may not be worn.
Elements of the Uniform available to all students (Senior and Junior)
Shoes and sandals
Shoes must be conventional black leather lace-up school shoes with a heel between 1cm and 3cm. Casual black shoes or sneakers may not be worn. Brown or black sandals may be worn in terms 1 and 4.
The school jersey is a navy blue, v-necked, long sleeved jersey with the College emblem on the upper left front.
Physical Education Uniform
All students wear navy blue Macleans College PE shorts and polo shirt in house colours.
Jackets and Scarves
The school uniform jacket and scarf (terms 2 and 3 only) may be worn to and from and around school, but not inside the school buildings.
The school uniform jacket is the only jacket that may be worn.
The school uniform scarf is the only scarf that may be worn and it may be worn, in terms 2 and 3 only.
Blazer and Tie
Senior students are encouraged to wear the school blazer and tie with the winter uniform. Students in representative (premier) groups and teams may also wear the blazer and tie when representing the school.
School Hat
A school hat is available and can be worn for protection from the sun. Hats are worn outside only.
All items of the uniform should be clearly labelled with the student’s name and house.

Students are expected to wear their hair styled in a reasonably conventional way. Hair must be kept tidy throughout the normal activities of a school day in keeping with the school’s high standards and professional tone.
Hair must not touch the collar and must be clear of the face and eyes. Hair long enough to reach the collar must be tied back. Blue ribbons, plain hair ties or clips (black or brown) may be used to tie back the hair.
Extreme hairstyles including, but not restricted to, mohawk, mullet, shaved patterns, undercuts, ‘rat’s tails’, back-combed and teased are not permitted. Unnatural colours, extreme colouring, or streaks and patches of colour, are not permitted.
Fades should be conservative, and hair should not be shorter than a ‘no. 2’ clipper.
Students must be clean shaven. Sideburns may not extend beyond the earlobe.
Students may wear makeup so long as it is faint and inconspicuous. Nail polish, if worn, must be clear, colourless and unnoticeable.
Jewellery and Tattoos
A wristwatch may be worn. Students may not wear chains or necklaces around the neck.
Girls may wear one matching pair of small plain, silver or gold studs in the lower part of each earlobe.
Religious and cultural jewellery, and tattoos must not be visible (completely hidden by school uniforms), including when the Physical Education uniform is worn.
Knee-length skirts are to be no shorter than 5cm from the ground when kneeling.
Summary of Garment Options
- All students may wear Macleans College navy regulation trousers, with a plain blue or black belt and conventional black leather lace-up school shoes and navy socks.
- All senior students have the option of wearing any combination of summer and winter uniform throughout the year, but sandals are not to be worn during the winter uniform period or with the ankle-length skirt or trousers.
- A navy Macleans College raincoat is also available and is to be worn to and from school only.
The Principal must be approached, if an exemption is sought for religious or cultural reasons.
New Uniforms
Boys’ and girls’ uniforms for all year levels can be purchased online or in-store from John Russell Menswear in Moore St, Howick.
Second Hand Uniforms
Second-hand uniforms can be purchased from the school shop.
The Uniform Shop is open during the term at the following times;
- Tuesday and Wednesday 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm
- Every first Saturday of the month 10.00 am - 12.00 noon
The Uniform Shop is a facility for the use of parents and students to sell and purchase good quality second hand school uniforms.
For more details and school holiday hours, follow this link to the Uniform Shop