Living in Auckland

Welfare & Support

International Students 2

The International Student Coordinator in conjunction with the English Languages Support Staff oversees the welfare and academic progress of all International Students. A fulltime Guidance Counsellor is also available for support.

Qualified ESOL Teachers provide support for all International Students. There are many levels available ranging from junior to senior classes.

Who to go to if You have Questions

Area of School Life Who to See
Careers/ universitypathway Career Counsellors located in Student Advisory Services (SAS) building
Extra-curricular You can go to your form teacher or house leader. Alternatively, sports director if it is sports related; Art department if it is art related; and Music department if it is music related.
Coping in life Guidance Counsellor located in international department and SAS building
ESOL ESOL teachers
Homestay Homestay staff located in the International department
Insurance International Student Co-ordinator in the International department
Language translation Come to the international department and we will help you out as much as we can.
Money related (e.g. fees) Mr Lau located in the main office
NCEA/ CAIE Career Counsellors Director of International Students
Subjects/ timetable Director of International Students for Senior students. International department Manager for Junior students
Travel International Student Co-ordinator in the International department

The above is a general guide who you can go to for help. We encourage you to go to the International department if you are unsure who to approach.