Year 9 Market Day

Posted on July 03, 2018

On Tuesday 26 June, the Year 9 Enterprise class held a Market Day selling sweet and savoury foods as well as beverages.

This was the culmination of several weeks work on the Business Activity unit.

In teams, students had to prepare a detailed business plan which included goal setting, doing a SWOT analysis and various marketing activities.  They had to develop an innovative product that would add value to the inputs.

Students gained valuable entrepreneurial experience by taking a financial risk in the hope of making a profit.  They all had to ‘put skin in the game’, paying for all the ingredients and packaging themselves.

Following the event they either shared in the profits or the losses.  Pepa Valter (Snell House) commented that she thought it would be easier to sell their product and make a profit, while Laney Viljoen (Kupe) remarked that she was surprised by the technical aspects of preparing for a product launch.

The students showed great resilience on the day which turned out to be windy and rainy.  Instead of using the space afforded by the amphitheatre, they cramped together outside the Hillary Commons but benefitted from a ‘high street’ situation with high-density traffic bringing customers.