Media Studies students get a taste of New Zealand film and television industries

Posted on April 20, 2021

Macleans College Year 13 Media Studies students recently experienced “a world where the lines between fantasy and reality are blurred” at Weta Workshop Unleashed.

Students were inspired by the world-famous Weta Studio’s fantastical film effects workshop at Sky City in Auckland CBD. The school’s young creatives had the opportunity to explore the film genre worlds of horror, sci-fi and fantasy in-the-making.

The trip to Weta was complimented by a visit to the Project Studio in Grafton. Media students were part of a studio audience for TV3’s current affairs show ‘The Project’. This was a brilliant experience for both students and teachers who were able to watch live television being made in a T.V. studio. They could appreciate the equipment and crew needed to shoot television and the organisation, skill and effort that goes into cutting a show in real time. An exclusive Q&A session with the show’s executive producer, Jon Bridges, provided additional information about the television industry in New Zealand and helped answer the student’s questions about the industry and ‘The Project’.

Media Studies teachers Mrs Kenny, Mrs Snell and Mrs Bowie accompanied the Year 13s on their film and television adventures in Auckland City.